Baltic Wharf is still not fishing its best, this Thursdays evening had very dirty water and lots of flotsum on the surface, probably caused by the recent high tides.

The weather was mild enough, a few more dgrees and hopefully the fish will spawn and the Wharf will start to fish as it normally does this time of the year.

Top rod on the night was Alan Healey with 5lb 2oz, of roach and skimmers all caught on the groundbait feeder with red maggot as hook bait. Second was Pete Ellis with 3lb 13oz of roach and perch on the pole with maggot. Dave Clutterbuck was third with 3lb 1oz of small fish on the pole. Adam Caswell was next with 2lb 12oz, made up mainly of 1 skimmer.
Merv Sivell was fifth with 2lb 5oz of roach and eels on the pole with maggot. Pete Sivell was sixth with 1lb 14oz on the pole.